Want TO BARTER? Create Your Listing
List your rights in our unique Barter Market Place. Our flat rate listing is only $30.00. You can list any deeded or assignable right in exchange for something of value.
Browse the Worlds Only Barter Market Place for Rights 
Trade what you don’t need for cash or items of value. Land for cars, swap a house for a patent, or a gold mine for Cessna, water rights for a yacht. The only limit is your imagination!
Useful Links and Resources To Help Close The Deal

Our goal is to bring buyers and sellers together. After reaching your best deal, Buyers and Sellers should seek proper legal advise to finalize the transfer and close the deal.
What Can Be Listed
- Patents
(Utility, Design, Trademark) - Copyrights (Art, Music,etc)
- Contracts
(Trust, Deed, Covenant, …) - Temporary
(Licenses, Permits, Restrictions) - Business
(Discretionary, Contracts, Plans) - Other
(Custodian, Access, Easement…) - Any intangibles to which one has a deed or legal right with proof of freely transferable ownership, may be listed here.
Sell-Rights-Here™ (SRH) is the Worlds premier Online Listing Engine, that is dedicated to providing platform for advertising by listing rights offered for sale.
SRH aims to facilitate the commerce of intangibles by quick, easy, anonymous, automatic, indefinite listing of deeds, contracts and assignments for a flat fee, or for 5% Seller defined Commission.
We also offer the worlds premier barter market place which allows users to barter for the sale of rights for nominal listing fee.
ABOUT US is the first web portal designed specifically for the sale of intangibles. avoids legal problems
of brokers by not becoming involved in negotiations in the deal. The buyer and seller perform their own due diligence of their deal and direct their own sales process. offers a free listing for the seller, who chooses to pay 5% commission over the asking price. We also offer a $30/30 day flat-fee-listing for the sellers that do not wish to name any asking price. Or if you prefer we offer a flat-fee bartering of intangibles, including …